The Media Specialist and Podcasting

As the media specialist at my school, I feel it is my job to find resources that will help a teacher in his or her new venture to start podcasting in the classroom. Giving him the article "Podcasting 101" by Kristin Fontichiaro would be an excellent way to explain what is involved in podcasting and the rewards of doing it. I also would show him examples of podcasts tha schools are already doing. I think the best thing for me to do is to have written instructions to hand out to teachers on how to do a podcast, and if several of them want me to do an in-service on how to podcast then this would be the most time efficient way of showing several people how to do it at the same time. Of course, I would still be available via e-mail or in person for questions as needed. My reasons for assisting any teacher who needs help with a new technology such a podcasting are because I feel it is part of my job. If I do not know how to do so something, then I can always find out or try to help that person find out.
